It’s taken me a while to get back to this place. I’ve been finishing my first year as a history student at the teachers academy, I’ve been traveling to New York City, I’ve been writing for my own, relaxing and I’ve been busy with so much more. This place was kind of forgotten, but I’m trying to get back to it as we speak.

Where am I now? What’s happening to me? 
I believe that the last time we spoke I was at the start of my first year at the teaching academy. Right now, I’m in year two, this combined with the extra english program 🙂 I do notice in my regular life that I am more connected with the English language, because sometimes I start to talk English out of the blue.

Concerning my traveling adventures, everything looks good. This summer I’ve been to New York city -more about that will follow- , in March I’m going to Berlin, in a few weeks I am heading to Paris with my mum and I might be going to Barcelona in December and January! I also hope I might be able to do a language course in Paris this summer. We’ll see how that turns out.

After 5 years, I quit my side job. It was time for a change. I am very happy and grateful my parents supported me with this decision and I’ll start giving tutoring soon! I’m really looking forward to it. It’s great to have with my current study in life.

Now about my writing. It’s been on quiet of a hold, because my discipline was nowhere to be found and I had other things on my mind. Right now, I’m trying my best to dive back into it, so I can finally realize one of my long lost dreams; publishing.

What are you guys op to? Where are you now? What’s happening to you? Let me know!